Its not always sunshine and roses....After last weekends excitement almost anything else could be considered a letdown- I guess, If you let it...And the fates couldn't let me off with the events of the boulder trip without a balancing of some kind.The Fish Gods may not be fair but they are Balanced. The fella's at work, Dan and Todd had a good day on "Utahs Premier Stillwater Fishery(TM)"...and, really- usually its a pretty sure bet- But we have had weird weather this spring and its upset the fishing-chi and so it happened that I found myself aboard Dans aluminum boat with the downriggers and all that shiny hardware that comes along with reservoirs and boats and deep water.
the plan was to camp in the Narrows between the Strawberry and Soldier Creek arms of the res, which actually worked out fine because we'd left town late in the afternoon and getting into the narrows would provide an opportunity to fish on the way.
So we set up the riggers and rods and trolled the distance between the boat ramp and the island campsite, catching two fat(if a little on the small side...) cut-bows fish and a a couple more hits, but no Kokanee, which were the targeted species..
Events had already reached a certain level of weird as we pulled up to the ranger booth to pay for the boat launch facilities, as Dan slowed the re-purposed farm truck up to the gate we hear swearing and honking from the FJ behind us- As Dan gets out to fill out the little pay envelope Todd and I hear a female voice angrily yelling "They don't give a shit! Why don't you just pay at the Marina!'....apparently we were in her way which seemed odd to me- as Dans rig could easily be passed on either side- was she drunk?...Stupid?..I dunno, I do know that Dan calmly looked up from his writing and envelope stuffing and replies "Cause that's not what I want to fucking do..".and just as calmly finished the business at hand while FJ Lady backed up her rig and went around us with Todd and I cackling while she goes around the opposite side of the guardhouse/pay-station...Dan proceeded to come up with plans to "shank" her tires for the next 24 hours( note: no tires- however deserving, were actually shanked....don't be assumin'..what's wrong with you?...)
Dan had a fine campsite that he'd found on past trips , and in the usual campsite silliness we yelled obscenities at the cliffs to hear the echo, watched moonset through binocs, drank some cheap bourbon, and ate Hebrew Nationals around the campfire , later we played All Terrain Bowling with a foam rubber ball Dan had in the truck- I'd tell you how to play it but the rules chiefly consisted of what ever Dan happened to be thinking at the moment. Which makes for an interesting game but doesn't lend itself to concise narrative...
To bed late, and up early- always makes for a good trip doesn't it?...Dans phone alarm went off at 4:30....a.m....God...damn...it...I didn't throw it in the reservoir only because Dan lost a phone to a campsite mishap earlier in the year- and I pitied his misfortune- I didn't pity him enough though, to refrain from cursing him loudly for the next two hours as he slept and I tried in vain to boil a pot of coffee water( Todds stove took a shit, and I tried to heat up the iso-propane canister with a twig fire that I then tried to re-purpose to a cookfire- and everything went to shit because the earlier I'm awake, the more important coffee is- especially when I have some serious cursing to do- especially when the guy being cursed is sleeping, and ignoring my epithets...)
At the end of it all, when Dan and Todd were awake and moving, we resumed fishing and caught nothing....I was caffiene deprived and surely not good company, as I bitched and moaned about not having a flybox - or flyrod for that matter, because size 14 Callibaetis mayflies were popping and trout- good trout, were feeding on them along the windward shoreline- as we chucked "drop-shot" rigs at them in vain...
Whats more to say?...We went home. We stopped in Heber for breakfast at Chicks Cafe, which wasn't as inexpensive as it used to be, but the hashbrowns were good and they offer a choice of brown or white gravy on the chicken fried steak...I had a couple of cups of goddamn coffee...
...Overall it wasn't a bad trip....
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